Thank you for attending class! I love seeing students’ faces light up when they get to show off to Mom or Dad! Recital information will be coming out soon. Please be on the lookout for an email with recital details. Celebrate Connection Here are more alphabet pieces games! 1. Parking Lot Cars: Draw a letter from the lot and park your car on the white key "parking space" that matches. Works great with cars like these from the learning shop. Keep going until you run out of cars (or whatever counters you have). 2. Cowboys and Indians: Start one tiny plastic character (ANY tiny plastic figures you have will do: Pokemon, animals, cowboys, princesses, etc.) at one end of the keyboard on a white key, and another at the other end. Draw a tile out and move the low guy up to that key. Draw another tile and move the high guy down to that key. Keep going until they meet (and battle, or shake hands, or whatever you pretend!) Homework pp. 22–23: Students write in the letter names of the notes. Page 56 in the Reference Section can be used if needed. Bug Scale Make the technique drills so fun that your child won't even notice they are getting practice! Choose your favorite BUG to practice playing UP the C Major Scale with your RH and reminding your child when to POP their bubble by saying "Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly, POPPERfly, Butterfly, etc." Place the RH in C position and play with fingers 1-2-3 (C-D-E) then POP UNDER with the thumb ("Popperfly") to make a new bubble and continue playing with fingers 1-2-3-4-5 (F-G-A-B-C). How to Skip We will master all of our middle anchor notes, Middle B, Middle C, Middle D, with this song. Use fingers 1-3-5 for the entire song, hopping your hand to the correct starting note while singing "C-skip-skip-skip, D-skip-skip" etc. to emphasize each anchor note. This is where the practice of seeing and playing those middle anchor notes connect! I am Robin Hood After playing Hands Separately (HS) comfortably, use this tip to play Hands Together (HT)! Play 1 or 2 measures at a time, then continue to add 1-2 measures until they can play the entire song with confidence. You can guide your child's eyes by pointing with V fingers. Hooray for HT! Do you want more fun ideas to work on Keyboard Geography? Your student will treasure this craft and game idea as they continue to solidify all of the notes on the keyboard! What a fun new puppet show we learned today! Download the Gnomes Coloring Book for your child to color while listening to the March of the Gnomes. ![]()
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Clara McDonaldAs a music educator of 25 years, my passion is infusing others with music! Archives
April 2023